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The Value of Every Life

Writer's picture: Pastor Rich SivoPastor Rich Sivo

Last week in my blog we were considering how God has created each of us and that He has “fearfully and wonderfully” woven us together in our mother’s womb. I’d like to consider a few more thoughts from Psalm 139. As we continue reading in Psalm 139, “your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!” (Ps.139:16-17 NIV). We see again David highlighting the fact that it is the Lord God of the universe who has created us and is the one who knows us even in our mother’s womb. In verse 16 David talks about “all the days of our life being ordained” by God. It is God who knows each and every moment and hour of our lives.

We were formed in secret, but God was aware of us, and He also knows each and every day that He has given us. Everyone who is reading this blog was formed by the eternal plan and wisdom of the sovereign God of the universe. Our parents were only the instruments in our creation and there are no mistakes with God because it is God who is the author of our life and our days. God sovereignly ordained the days of David’s life even before he was born, but He also ordains the days of our lives as well.

We must think of God’s dealing with us with great reverence. Providence has made a vast reach into every phase of our lives, and He’s brought things into our lives that are way beyond our foresight to imagine, as He deals with us in His great love. God’s omniscience, which might justly be used to do us harm, has been employed for us and He has watched over us to bring us into His family through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our welfare and our salvation are in accordance with his plan. It is for this reason that we should lift His name in praise and adoration. David acknowledged with wonder and thankfulness to God the care God had taken for him all the days of his life. God knew David and raised him up from the sheepfold to be one of the greatest kings of Israel. His thoughts for David were thoughts of love and hope and goodness, the same thoughts I believe God has for each and every one of us as His children. Jesus has offered us great words of comfort when He stated, “and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age,” (Matt. 28:20b NIV). By spending time with God and in God’s Word our thoughts, meditations, and prayers place us in communion with the God of the universe. Jesus’s desire is to continue to make God known to each and every one of us, and to use us to make Him known to others. David had some very seriouslapses of judgment in his service to God and yet God restored him and continued to use him. Don’t ever forget that our God is a God of reconciliation and healing. Remember what Paul says when he writes, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us,” (Rom.5:8 NIV). Are you rejoicing today in the goodness of our Savior in designing you just the way He chose and working in your heart and life to make you one of his children?

Rejoicing in our Designer,

Pastor Rich



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