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Our Father Knows Best

Writer's picture: Pastor Rich SivoPastor Rich Sivo

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

The second condition of finding fulfillment of this promise in our lives is that we must be “called according to His purpose”. A love for God is one of the sure signs that we have been called by God. When God called me out of my previous lifestyle of darkness and sin, He called me into a relationship of light and love. The center of God’s purpose is the ultimate assurance on which our salvation rests. Later in Romans 8, Paul’s going to raise this question, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” (v. 35a, NASB). The answer, of course, is nothing can separate us from the love of God found in Christ Jesus. If we are called according to God’s purpose nothing can rescind that calling. We don’t need to look back very far in our own personal histories to see that what we thought was a disaster worked out for our good and God’s glory. I can even see God obviously working for my good in my employment history before I knew Him. God already had a “calling” in my life. He calls us, He doesn’t compel or manipulate us like puppets. Rather He invites us to follow His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will work in us drawing us to Himself, yet without violating our free will.ll.l. up to is the opening of doors for people of faith to share the hope that we have in the midst of the fear that is surrounding our world. Anytime there is an incredibly difficult national or world situation going on it is an opportunity for us to share the salvation that God has provided for a hurting and broken world through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The great commission is not set aside during times of great societal upheaval. In fact, it is these upheavals that many times will open doors of ministry for us if our hearts are open and our ears are listening for God’s voice and direction.

As it relates to the promise before us in Romans 8, it certainly is an amazing promise, but it is not an unconditional promise. By that I mean this is not a guaranteed verse for everyone who’s going through a difficult trial or time. So, let us consider the two-fold conditions of this promise.

First, Paul tells us that this promise is for “those who love God”. God seeks first not the work of our hands, but the love of our hearts. Remember when Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, His response was, “that we should love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, and soul”. Interestingly the word for love in this passage is the Greek word agapaō. That word refers to an unselfish, outgoing affection or tenderness without necessarily expecting anything in return. It is seeking a person’s highest good on the basis of a decision of the will and an inclination of the heart. It’s the same kind of love husbands are commanded to have for our wives when Paul writes “Husbands agapao your wives as Christ agapaō the church”. We are not to love God because of the things He gives us, we should love God because He is our creator, sustainer and redeemer. This love must dominate our sense of values and the priorities in our lives. So, the first condition for this promise of God working all things together for good is our love for God. Can I ask you, does your life reflect a love for God?

The second condition of finding fulfillment of this promise in our lives is that we must be “called according to His purpose”. A love for God is one of the sure signs that we have been called by God. When God called me out of my previous lifestyle of darkness and sin, He called me into a relationship of light and love. The center of God’s purpose is the ultimate assurance on which our salvation rests. Later in Romans 8 Paul’s going to raise this question, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” (v. 35a, NASB). The answer of course is nothing can separate us from the love of God found in Christ Jesus. If we are called according to God’s purpose nothing can rescind that calling. We don’t need to look back very far in our own personal histories to see that what we thought was a disaster worked out for our good and God’s glory. I can even see God obviously working for my good in my employment history before I knew Him. God already had a “calling” on my life. He calls us, He doesn’t compel or manipulate us like puppets. Rather He invites us to follow His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will work in us drawing us to Himself, yet without violating our free will.

How is Romans 8:28 connected to our current situation? Can God actually use the coronavirus for His glory and for His honor? I don’t know how God is going to use the coronavirus to manifest His glory but I believe that would have something to do with you and I use the current format that God has given us to point people to a living relationship with Jesus Christ. Remember Scripture tells us that “perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18). I believe the promise of Romans 8:28 to be true whether I see the good things that God has planned or not. In recent months I have been in the habit of taking my mom out to lunch once a week. This past Tuesday afternoon as I was driving home after dropping her off, my car windshield was hit by two stones that cracked windshield. I was hoping the two chips would simply be repaired without having to replace my whole windshield. That turned out not to be the case and now I will have an expense of over $400 to replace my windshield. I do not understand why God allowed this very expensive accident to happen on the day I was just honoring my mom?? But should I stop blessing my mom and honoring her because something bad happened on the day that I had done so? I think not. I still believe God can work even when bad things happen in my life and particularly when they’re things I have no control over. How God is going to work I’ll leave to Him and trust that He is going to keep His Word. I just need to look for the doors that He sets before me to reach out with His love.

How about you, have you discovered this verse to be true in your life? God will not forsake us, for He is working in our disasters, failures, and sins to bring us into conformity to His Son, the Lord Jesus. Remember our “Father truly does know best”. Do you love Him today because He first loved you?


Pastor Rich Sivo



New Durham Chapel


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